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Found a total of 2066 record(s) across 21 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1901-2000.

Monster ID ▲ kRO Name iRO Name ▲ Level HP Size Race Element Base EXP Job EXP Custom
3108 Jitterbug1 Jitterbug1 135 2,614,000 Large Demon Undead (Lv 2) 36,804 23,170 No
3109 Jitterbug2 Jitterbug2 135 2,614,000 Large Demon Undead (Lv 2) 36,804 23,170 No
3122 Charleston 1 Charleston 1 140 2,614,000 Large Demon Earth (Lv 1) 36,804 21,064 No
3123 Charleston 2 Charleston 2 140 2,614,000 Large Demon Earth (Lv 1) 36,804 21,064 No
3124 Charleston 3 Charleston 3 145 23,671,401 Large Demon Neutral (Lv 3) 3,132,000 2,473,000 No
3125 Step Step 130 55,403 Small Demon Neutral (Lv 1) 3,088 2,392 No
3126 Lockstep Lockstep 131 71,056 Medium Demon Neutral (Lv 2) 3,609 2,209 No
3127 Hallway 1 Security Devi Hallway 1 Security Devi 132 73,644 Medium Demon Neutral (Lv 1) 3,607 2,205 No
3128 Security Robot Security Robot 133 68,018 Medium Demon Neutral (Lv 2) 3,729 2,032 No
3153 Excavator Robot Excavator Robot 163 166,860 Medium Formless Neutral (Lv 3) 15,026 16,915 No
3154 Recon Robot Recon Robot 165 256,000 Large Formless Neutral (Lv 4) 15,796 17,738 No
3155 Repair Robot Repair Robot 155 154,760 Small Plant Wind (Lv 1) 11,748 13,237 No
3156 Exploration Rover Exploration Rover 168 293,640 Large Demi-Human Neutral (Lv 4) 18,172 35,065 No
3157 Ruin Grace Believer Ruin Grace Believer 100 61,350 Medium Demi-Human Neutral (Lv 2) 4,666 3,874 No
3158 Ruin Grace Believer Ruin Grace Believer 100 61,350 Medium Demi-Human Neutral (Lv 2) 4,666 3,874 No
3159 Illegal Promotion Illegal Promotion 100 10 Small Formless Neutral (Lv 2) 0 0 No
3161 Bomb Bomb 130 60,250 Small Formless Dark (Lv 3) 0 0 No
3169 Shooting Target Shooting Target 1 1 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv 3) 0 0 No
3170 Shooting Target Shooting Target 1 1 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv 3) 0 0 No
3175 Rotar Zairo Rotar Zairo 113 15,900 Large Formless Wind (Lv 2) 1,591 1,221 No
3176 Gremlin Gremlin 118 20,313 Large Demon Dark (Lv 2) 2,009 1,390 No
3177 Beholder Beholder 118 20,313 Large Demon Dark (Lv 2) 2,009 1,390 No
3178 Acidus Acidus 130 48,430 Large Dragon Dark (Lv 2) 3,088 2,392 No
3179 Acidus Acidus 130 40,718 Large Dragon Wind (Lv 2) 2,938 2,032 No
3180 Wywern Wywern 117 300,000 Large Dragon Dark (Lv 4) 0 0 No
3181 Captain Ferlock Captain Ferlock 130 3,000,000 Large Dragon Dark (Lv 2) 3,088 2,392 No
3190 Sarah Irene Sarah Irene 160 100,000,000 Medium Demi-Human Neutral (Lv 1) 0 0 No
3191 Gigantes Gigantes 160 6,653,400 Medium Demon Dark (Lv 2) 0 1 No
3192 Gigantes Gigantes 160 9,870,000 Medium Demon Dark (Lv 2) 0 0 No
3193 Ancient Medium Gigantes Ancient Medium Gigantes 160 1,126,300 Medium Demon Dark (Lv 2) 0 0 No
3194 Large Gigantes Large Gigantes 160 2,482,000 Large Demon Dark (Lv 2) 0 0 No
3195 Large Gigantes Large Gigantes 160 2,784,175 Large Demon Dark (Lv 2) 0 0 No
3196 Ancient Gigantes Ancient Gigantes 160 12,063,464 Large Demon Dark (Lv 2) 0 0 No
3197 Mutant Gargoyle Mutant Gargoyle 150 256,780 Medium Demon Wind (Lv 3) 0 0 No
3198 Mutant Galion Mutant Galion 150 293,165 Medium Brute Wind (Lv 2) 0 0 No
3199 Wicked Mutant Dragon Wicked Mutant Dragon 150 324,891 Large Dragon Fire (Lv 2) 0 0 No
3200 Wicked Chimera Wicked Chimera 150 301,158 Large Brute Fire (Lv 3) 0 0 No
3202 Organic Pumpkin Organic Pumpkin 10 40 Small Formless Neutral (Lv 1) 20 13 No
3203 Inorganic Pumpkin Inorganic Pumpkin 10 40 Small Formless Neutral (Lv 1) 20 13 No
3208 Eremes Guille Eremes Guille 179 2,380,000 Medium Demon Poison (Lv 4) 70,000 35,000 No
3209 Margaretha Sorin Margaretha Sorin 177 2,448,000 Medium Demi-Human Holy (Lv 4) 80,000 40,000 No
3210 Kathryne Cheiron Kathryne Cheiron 177 2,040,000 Medium Demi-Human Ghost (Lv 4) 60,000 30,000 No
3211 Shecil Damon Shecil Damon 179 2,142,000 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv 4) 70,000 35,000 No
3212 Harword Alt-Eisen Harword Alt-Eisen 177 2,720,000 Medium Demi-Human Water (Lv 4) 100,000 50,000 No
3213 Seyren Windsor Seyren Windsor 179 2,448,000 Medium Demon Fire (Lv 4) 80,000 40,000 No
3214 Guillotine Cross Eremes Guillotine Cross Eremes 189 3,150,000 Medium Demon Poison (Lv 4) 0 0 No
3215 Arch Bishop Margaretha Arch Bishop Margaretha 187 3,600,000 Medium Demi-Human Holy (Lv 4) 0 0 No
3216 Warlock Kathryne Warlock Kathryne 187 2,700,000 Medium Demi-Human Ghost (Lv 4) 0 0 No
3217 Ranger Cecil Ranger Cecil 189 3,150,000 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv 4) 0 0 No
3218 Mechanic Howard Mechanic Howard 187 4,500,000 Medium Demi-Human Earth (Lv 4) 0 0 No
3219 Rune Knight Seyren Rune Knight Seyren 189 3,600,000 Medium Demon Fire (Lv 4) 0 0 No
3220 Guillotine Cross Eremes Guillotine Cross Eremes 189 12,600,000 Medium Demi-Human Poison (Lv 4) 3,000,000 3,000,000 No
3221 Arch Bishop Margaretha Arch Bishop Margaretha 187 14,400,000 Medium Demi-Human Holy (Lv 4) 3,000,000 3,000,000 No
3222 Ranger Cecil Ranger Cecil 189 12,600,000 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv 4) 3,000,000 3,000,000 No
3223 Mechanic Howard Mechanic Howard 187 18,000,000 Medium Demi-Human Water (Lv 4) 3,000,000 3,000,000 No
3224 Warlock Kathryne Warlock Kathryne 187 10,800,000 Medium Demi-Human Ghost (Lv 4) 3,000,000 3,000,000 No
3225 Rune Knight Seyren Rune Knight Seyren 189 14,400,000 Medium Demi-Human Fire (Lv 4) 3,000,000 3,000,000 No
3226 Randel Lawrence Randel Lawrence 178 2,550,000 Medium Demi-Human Holy (Lv 4) 100,000 50,000 No
3227 Flamel Emule Flamel Emule 176 2,312,000 Medium Demi-Human Fire (Lv 4) 80,000 40,000 No
3228 Celia Alde Celia Alde 178 2,295,000 Medium Demi-Human Ghost (Lv 4) 90,000 45,000 No
3229 Chen Liu Chen Liu 178 2,261,000 Medium Demon Water (Lv 4) 70,000 35,000 No
3230 Gertie Wie Gertie Wie 178 2,040,000 Medium Demon Poison (Lv 4) 80,000 40,000 No
3231 Alphoccio Basil Alphoccio Basil 176 2,040,000 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv 4) 60,000 30,000 No
3232 Trentini Trentini 176 2,040,000 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv 4) 60,000 30,000 No
3233 Royal Guard Randel Royal Guard Randel 188 4,500,000 Medium Demi-Human Holy (Lv 4) 0 0 No
3234 Genetic Flamel Genetic Flamel 186 3,600,000 Medium Demi-Human Fire (Lv 4) 0 0 No
3235 Sorcerer Celia Sorcerer Celia 188 4,050,000 Medium Demi-Human Ghost (Lv 4) 0 0 No
3236 Sura Chen Sura Chen 188 3,150,000 Medium Demon Water (Lv 4) 0 0 No
3237 Shadow Chaser Gertie Shadow Chaser Gertie 188 3,600,000 Medium Demon Poison (Lv 4) 0 0 No
3238 Minstrel Alphoccio Minstrel Alphoccio 186 3,600,000 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv 4) 0 0 No
3239 Wanderer Trentini Wanderer Trentini 186 3,600,000 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv 4) 0 0 No
3240 Royal Guard Randel Royal Guard Randel 188 18,000,000 Medium Demi-Human Holy (Lv 4) 3,000,000 3,000,000 No
3241 Genetic Flamel Genetic Flamel 186 14,400,000 Medium Demi-Human Fire (Lv 4) 3,000,000 3,000,000 No
3242 Sorcerer Celia Sorcerer Celia 188 16,200,000 Medium Demi-Human Ghost (Lv 4) 3,000,000 3,000,000 No
3243 Sura Chen Sura Chen 188 12,600,000 Medium Demi-Human Water (Lv 4) 3,000,000 3,000,000 No
3244 Shadow Chaser Gertie Shadow Chaser Gertie 188 14,400,000 Medium Demi-Human Poison (Lv 4) 3,000,000 3,000,000 No
3245 Minstrel Alphoccio Minstrel Alphoccio 186 10,800,000 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv 4) 3,000,000 3,000,000 No
3246 Wanderer Trentini Wanderer Trentini 186 10,800,000 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv 4) 3,000,000 3,000,000 No
3247 Green Cenere Green Cenere 150 140,088 Small Formless Wind (Lv 1) 7,635 7,698 No
3248 Repair Robot Turbo Repair Robot Turbo 158 186,320 Small Formless Neutral (Lv 2) 13,208 14,489 No
3249 Explorer Robot Turbo Explorer Robot Turbo 171 318,117 Large Formless Neutral (Lv 4) 19,826 41,023 No
3250 Can Robot Can Robot 155 30 Small Formless Neutral (Lv 1) 61 58 No
3251 Machine Component Machine Component 149 217,650 Small Formless Dark (Lv 2) 6,598 5,931 No
3252 Machine Component Machine Component 153 245,670 Medium Formless Dark (Lv 1) 7,255 7,011 No
3253 System message System message 160 100 Large Demon Dark (Lv 1) 0 0 No
3254 T_W_O T_W_O 165 48,000,000 Large Demon Dark (Lv 3) 0 0 No
3255 Smelly Ghoul Smelly Ghoul 155 178,652 Small Plant Wind (Lv 1) 10,233 10,598 No
3256 Smelly Zombie Smelly Zombie 148 134,615 Small Formless Neutral (Lv 3) 6,859 6,903 No
3442 Frozen Wolf Frozen Wolf 140 80,000 Medium Brute Water (Lv 1) 5,000 5,000 No
3443 Taffy Taffy 145 100,000 Medium Brute Earth (Lv 1) 6,000 6,000 No
3444 Watcher Watcher 145 120,000 Small Formless Wind (Lv 1) 7,000 7,000 No
3445 Enchanted Archer Skelet Enchanted Archer Skelet 114 10,000 Medium Undead Undead (Lv 3) 0 0 No
3446 Enchanted Skeleton Enchanted Skeleton 114 10,000 Medium Undead Undead (Lv 3) 0 0 No
3447 Enchanted Soldier Skele Enchanted Soldier Skele 115 20,000 Medium Undead Undead (Lv 3) 0 0 No
3448 Renovated Amdarais Renovated Amdarais 99 10,000,000 Large Undead Undead (Lv 1) 0 0 No
3449 Enhanced Amdarais Enhanced Amdarais 98 66,666 Large Undead Undead (Lv 1) 0 0 No
3450 MVP! Bijou Bijou 115 10,000,000 Large Undead Undead (Lv 4) 66,666 66,666 No
3451 Immotal Corps Immotal Corps 158 198,410 Medium Demon Undead (Lv 4) 9,575 7,859 No
3452 Zombie Guard Zombie Guard 145 124,000 Medium Undead Undead (Lv 4) 6,887 4,809 No
3454 Suspicious Intruder Suspicious Intruder 103 20,714 Medium Demi-Human Dark (Lv 2) 1,963 2,001 No
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